From Not Always So
When we practice together, we forget our own practice… When you practice your own practice together with others, the true ego-lessness happens.
From The Aesthetics of Change
Occidentals ... practice in order to get a skill, which is then a tool - in which I, unchanged, now have a new tool, that's all. The Oriental view is that you practice in order to change yourself.
From The Fifth Discipline
The total absence of meaningful practice or rehearsal is probably the predominant factor that keeps most management teams from being effective learning units.
From Wooden on Leadership
I rarely assigned one player to a basket. Basketball is a team sport, and I felt it was unwise to allow players to practice by themselves. Always I wanted them to be interacting with their teammates.
From The Mind of War
Boyd also came to appreciate the routine practice and repetition that was required to become really good at something and to overcome the boredom by focusing on minute improvements.
From Talent is Overrated
Practicing without feedback is like bowling through a curtain that hangs down to knee level. You can work on technique all you like, but if you can't see the effects, two things will happen: You won't get any better, and you'll stop caring.
From Stuka Pilot
Another confirmation of the truth of our old Stuka maxim: "Nothing comes off - except what you have practised."
We have long since ceased to develop practice from theory; we do just the opposite.
From Thinking Fast and Slow
An important principle of skills training: rewards for improved performance work better than punishment of mistakes.
The accurate intuition of experts are better explained by the effects of prolonged practice than by heuristics.
From Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
Right practice, right attitude, right understanding.
From Bounce
Nobody who had reached the elite group without copious practice, and nobody who had worked their socks off but failed to excel.
From Mindset
Babe Ruth loved to practice. In fact when he joined the Boston Red Sox… he wasn't just a rookie. He was a rookie pitcher.
From Zen in the Art of Archery
If I tried to give you a clue at the cost of your own experience, I should be the worst of teachers and deserve to be sacked! So let's stop talking about it and go on practising.
From Zen Bow, Zen Arrow
Human beings always cling to things. Practice begins when you stop clinging.
From Thinking Fast and Slow
It is the mark of effortful activities that they interfere with each other.
From Mozart a biography
From earliest childhood he practiced for thousands of hours every year.