The world carries its own structure so that specificity always implies generality (and in this sense generality is not to be assimilated to abstractness).
Reversing production steps has the effect of focusing the apprentice's attention first on the broad outlines…
The fact that the work was done in an interaction between members opened it up to other members of the team.
There is anecdotal evidence that where the circulation of knowledge among peers and near-peers is possible, it spreads exceedingly rapidly and effectively.
A learning curriculum is thus characteristic of a community.
Understanding and experience are in constant interaction.
Mirroring the intricate relationship between using and understanding artefacts there is an interesting duality inherent in the concept of transparency. It combines the two characteristics of invisibility and visibility… It might be useful to give a sense of this interplay by analogy to a window. A window's invisibility is what makes it a window, that is, an object through which the outside world becomes visible. The very fact, however, that so many things can be seen through it makes the window itself highly visible, that is, very salient in a room, when compared to, say, a solid wall. Invisibility of mediating technologies is necessary for allowing focus on, and thus supporting visibility of, the subject matter.