is an excellent book by Dietrich Dorner (isbn 0-201-47948-6). As usual I'm going to quote from a few pages:
The English psychologist James T. Reason thinks that this kind of error is the result of a general propensity for "similarity matching," that is a tendency to respond to similarities more than differences.
The effectiveness of a measure almost always depends on the context within which the measure is pursued.
A rule such as … is too general to be useful, and measures based on it will be wrong much of the time.
We often overlook time configurations and treat successive steps in a temporal development as individual events.
Go make yourself a plan,
And be a shining light.
Then make yourself a second plan,
For neither will come right.
People look for and find ways to avoid confronting the negative consequences of their actions.
If we never look at the consequences of our behaviour, we can always maintain the illusion of our competence.
The results also support the idea that activity may foster an illusion of competence.
Other investigators report a similar gap between verbal intelligence and performance intelligence and distinguish between "explicit" and "implicit" knowledge.
Mistakes are essential to cognition.
We humans are creatures of the present.
It is impossible to do just one thing alone. Any action in one area affects others.