- 97 things every programmer should know edited by Kevlin Henney
- the ACM Turing Award Lectures
- Ackoff's best by Russell Ackoff
- Adapt - why success always starts with failure by Tim Harford
- Adrenaline junkies and template zombies by Tom DeMarco, Peter Hruschka, Tim Lister, Steve McMenamin, James Robertson and Suzanne Robertson
- the Aesthetics of change by Bradford Keeney
- the Aesthetics of change (2) by Bradford Keeney
- Agile coaching by Rachael Davies and Lez Sedley
- Agile development in the large by Jutta Eckstein
- the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
- Alice in wonderland by Lewis Carroll
- All I need to know about manufacturing I learned in Joe's garage by William B. Miller and Vicki L. Schenk
- Aquinas by Anthony Kenny
- the Ascent of Man by Jacob Bronowski
- Are your lights on? by Donald Gause and Jerry Weinberg
- Are your lights on? (2) by Donald Gause and Jerry Weinberg
- the Aremac project by Jerry Weinberg
- the Art of war by Sun Tzu
- Augustine's Laws by Norman Augustine
- Authentic happiness by Martin Seligman
- the Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie
- the Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr
- BCPL by Martin Richards and Colin Whitby-Strevens
- Beating the system by Russell Ackoff and Sheldon Rovin
- Becoming a technical leader by Jerry Weinberg
- Becoming a technical leader (2) by Jerry Weinberg
- Being wrong by Kathryn Schulz
- Beyond culture by Edward T.Hall.
- Birth of the chaordic age by Dee Hock
- the Book of five rings by Miyamoto Musashi
- the Book of tea by Kakuzo Okakura
- the Book - on the taboo against knowing who you are by Alan Watts
- Bounce the myth of talent and the power of practice, by Matthew Syed
- Boyd - the fighter pilot who changed the art of war by Robert Coram
- Brain rules by John Medina
- Building Microservices by Sam Newman
- the C programming language by Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan
- the C standard
- Certain to win by Chet Richards
- Cognitive surplus by Clay Shirky
- Complexity and postmodernism - understanding complex systems by Paul Cilliers
- the Conquest of happiness by Bertrand Russell
- Consilience by Edward O. Wilson
- Continuous Delivery by Jez Hubble and Dave Farley
- the Corporation by Joel Bakan
- the Culture Code by Daniel Coyle
- the Dance of life by Edward T. Hall
- Dancing with elves by John Gall
- DaVinci decoded by Michael Gelb
- the Deming route to quality by William W. Scherkenbach
- the DevOps Handbook by Gene Kim, Jez Humble, Patrick Debois, and John Willis
- Disabling professions by Ivan Illich et al
- Docker in Action by Jeff Nickoloff
- Drive by Dan Pink
- Dr Deming by Rafael Aguayo
- Effective leadership masterclass by John Adair
- the End of certainty by Ilya Prigogine
- Everyday heroes of the quality movement by Perry Gluckman and Diana Reynolds Roome
- the Evolution of useful things by Henry Petroski
- Experiential learning 1: beginning by Jerry Weinberg
- Experiential learning 2: inventing by Jerry Weinberg
- Experiential learning 3: simulation by Jerry Weinberg
- Existentialism and humanism by Jean Paul Sartre
- Extreme programming explained by Kent Beck
- the Fifth discipline by Peter Senge
- the Five dysfunctions of a team by Patrick Lencioni
- Float fishing rivers by Ken Giles and Dave Harrell
- Fred Foster's swing tipping by Fred Foster
- Free by Chris Anderson
- Freedom from command and control by John Seddon
- Gandhi an autobiography
- General principles of systems design by Jerry Weinberg
- the Genius in all of us by David Shenk
- the Gift of time edited by Fiona Charles
- Growing a business by Paul Hawken
- Hackers and painters by Paul Graham
- the Hávamál translated from the original by Björn Jónasson
- the Hidden dimension by Edward T. Hall
- the Hidden life of trees by Peter Wohlleben
- the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
- Holes by Louis Sachar
- the House at Pooh corner by A. A. Milne
- How buildings learn by Stewart Brand
- How to read water by Tristan Gooley
- How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie
- the Humble Programmer by Edsger W. Dijkstra
- Ian Heaps on Fishing by Ian Heaps
- Implementing lean software development by Mary and Tom Poppendieck
- the Importance of living by Lin Yutang
- an Introduction to general systems thinking by Jerry Weinberg
- an Introduction to general systems thinking (2) by Jerry Weinberg
- It's your ship by Michael Abrashoff
- Ivan Marks - the people's champion by Media Press
- I wish I'd said that by Maurice Silver
- Javascript: the good parts by Douglas Crockford
- Jonathan livingston seagull by Richard Bach
- Just one more thing by Peter Falk
- Kanban by David Anderson
- Kierkegaard in a nutshell edited Robert Van de Weyer
- Kluge by Gary Marcus
- the Lady tasting tea by David Salsburg
- the Lean startup by Eric Ries
- Leverage points by Donella Meadows
- Life, the Universe and Everything by Douglas Adams
- Linked by Albert-László Barabási
- a Little book of f-LAWS by Russell Ackoff and Herbert Addison
- the Logic of failure by Dietrich Dorner
- Long walk to freedom by Nelson Mandela
- Losing my virginity by Richard Branson
- the Machine that changed the world by James Womack, Daniel Jones, and Daniel Roos
- a Man called Ove by Fredrik Backman
- Management 3.0 by Jurgen Appelo
- Management of the absurd by Richard Farson
- Managing the design factory by Don Reinersten
- Managing the design factory (2) by Don Reinersten
- Mastery by George Leonard
- Maverick by Ricardo Semlar
- Measuring and managing performance in organizations by Robert Austin
- Mind and nature by Gregory Bateson
- the Mind of war by Grant T. Hammond
- Mindset by Carol Dweck
- More secrets of consulting by Jerry Weinberg
- Mozart a biography by Piero Melograni
- the Mythical man month by Fred Brooks
- the Nature and art of workmanship by David Pye
- Non violent communcation by Marshall Rosenberg
- Not always so by Shunryu Suzuki
- Notes on the synthesis of form by Christopher Alexander
- Nudge by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein
- Obliquity by John Kay
- On becoming a person by Carl Rogers
- Organize for complexity by Niels Pflaeging
- Out of our minds by Ken Robinson
- Out of the crisis by W. Edwards Deming
- Pair programming illuminated by Laurie Williams and Robert Kessler
- Patterns of software by Richard Gabriel
- Peopleware by Tom DeMarco and Tim Lister
- Peopleware (2) by Tom DeMarco and Tim Lister
- Perfect software and other illusions about testing by Jerry Weinberg
- Perfect software and other illusions about testing (2) by Jerry Weinberg
- the Pleasure of finding things out by Richard Feynman
- the Pragmatic programmer by Andrew Hunt and Dave Thomas
- Pragmatic thinking and learning by Andy Hunt
- Predictably irrational by Dan Ariely
- the Princess Bride by William Goldman
- the Principles and practice of fly and bait casting by Reginald D. Hughes
- the Principles and practice of fly and bait casting (2) by Reginald D. Hughes
- the Principles of product development flow by Don Reinersten
- Pro git by Scott Chacon
- Progressive fly fishing for salmon by Alexander Baird Keachie
- the Psychology of computer programming by Jerry Weinberg
- the Psychology of computer programming (2) by Jerry Weinberg
- the Psychology of computer programming (3) by Jerry Weinberg
- the Puritan gift by Kenneth and William Hopper
- Quality software management vol 1, systems thinking by Jerry Weinberg
- Quality software management vol 1, systems thinking (2) by Jerry Weinberg
- Quality software management vol 2, first-order measurement by Jerry Weinberg
- Quality software management vol 2, first-order measurement (2) by Jerry Weinberg
- Quality software management vol 3, congruent action by Jerry Weinberg
- Quality software management vol 3, congruent action (2) by Jerry Weinberg
- Quality software management vol 4, anticipating change by Jerry Weinberg
- Quality software management vol 4, anticipating change (2) by Jerry Weinberg
- Reality is not what it seems by Carlo Rovelli
- the Reason I Jump by Naoki Higashida
- the Restaurant at the End of the Universe by Douglas Adams
- Rethinking systems analysis and design by Jerry Weinberg
- the Right suff by Tom Wolfe
- the Road less travelled and beyond by M. Scott Peck
- Safer c by Les Hatton
- Salmon fishing by Hugh Falkus
- Sapiens. A Brief History of Human Kind by Yuval Noah Harari
- Scrum by Jeff Sutherland
- the Secrets of consulting by Jerry Weinberg
- the Secrets of consulting (2) by Jerry Weinberg
- Sense and respond by Susan Barlow, Stephen Parry, and Mike Faulkner
- Siddhartha by Herman Hesse
- the Silent language by Edward T. Hall
- Simple and usable by Giles Colborne
- Simplicity by Edward de Bono
- Situated learning - legitimate peripheral participation by Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger
- Six memos for the next millenium by Italo Calvino
- Slack by Tom DeMarco
- Slack (2) by Tom DeMarco
- Smart swarm by Peter Miller
- the Soul would have no rainbow by Guy Zona
- the Starfish and the spider by Ori Brafman and Rod Beckstrom
- Stuka pilot by Hans Ulrich Rudel
- Surely you're joking Mr Feynman by Richard Feynman
- Surfing the edge of chaos by Richard Pascale, Mark Millemann, Linda Gioja
- Switch by Chip and Dan Heath
- Synectics by William J.J.Gordon
- the Systems bible by John Gall
- Systems thinking in the public sector by John Seddon
- Taiichi Ohno's Workplace management by Taiichi Ohno
- Talent is overrated by Geoff Colvin
- the Tao by Lao Tzu
- the Tao is silent by Raymond Smullyan
- the Tao of business by Ansgar Gerstner
- the Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff
- Tao Te Ching translated by R.L.Wing
- the Teachings of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda
- Test-driven development for embedded c by James Grenning
- Thinking in systems - A Primer, by Donella Meadows
- Thinking fast and slow by Daniel Kahneman
- Through the language glass by Guy Deutscher
- the Timeless way of building by Christopher Alexander
- Toyota kata by Mike Rother
- Toyota production system - beyond large scale, by Taiichi Ohno
- the Toyota Way by Jeffrey Liker
- Tragically I was an only twin The complete Peter Cook
- the Trusted advisor by David Maister, Charles Green, and Robert Galford
- Trustee from the toolroom by Nevil Shute
- Understanding comics - the invisible art by Scott McCloud
- Understanding the professional programmer by Jerry Weinberg
- Understanding the professional programmer (2) by Jerry Weinberg
- the Universal computer by Martin Davis
- the Unknown craftsman by Sōetsu Yanagi
- Wabi sabi by Andrew Juniper
- the War of art by Steven Pressfield
- the Way of the leader by Donald Krause
- the Way of zen by Alan Watts
- the Way to wealth by Benjamin Franklin
- We seven by the Mercury astronauts
- Weinberg on writing by Jerry Weinberg
- What did you say? by Charles and Edith Seashore and Jerry Weinberg
- What did you say? (2) by Charles and Edith Seashore and Jerry Weinberg
- What is Life? by Paul Nurse
- When things start to think by Neil Gershenfeld
- a Whole new mind by Dan Pink
- Winnie-the-Pooh by A.A.Milne
- Wisdom of the idiots by Idries Shah
- the Wisdom of crowds by James Surowiecki
- Wit and wisdom from Poor Richard's Almanac, by Benjamin Franklin
- Wooden on leadership by John Wooden and Steve Jamison
- Working effectively with legacy code by Michael Feathers
- World class match fishing by Kevin Ashurst
- Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance by Robert Pirsig.
- Zen bow, zen arrow by John Stevens.
- Zen in the art of archery by Eugen Herrigel
- Zen in the martial arts by Joe Hyams
- Zen mind, beginner's mind by Shunryu Suzuki
- Zen soup by Laurence Boldt