is an excellent book by Mary and Tom Poppendieck.
As usual I'm going to quote from a few pages:
If you focus on driving utilization up, things will slow down.
We've watched CMM and ISO 9000 as their focus changed from quality improvement to certification.
Toyota believes that consistent excellence in product development starts with "towering technical competence in all engineers".
At Toyota "Developing people is fundamental to the managers job."
If you expect teams to meet aggressive deadlines you must limit work to capacity.
The behaviours that ranking systems encourage are competition, hiding information so as to look good, and hiding problems so as not to look bad.
There is at least as much knowledge created by experiments that fail as is created by finding a solution to the problem.
Western companies think of knowledge as something that is written down. Japanese companies think of written knowledge as only the tip of the iceberg; most knowledge is contained in subjective insights, intuitions, hunches, and mental models. This tacit knowledge does not come from studying, it comes from experience.
Probably the biggest mistake we can make is to regard refactoring as a failure to "Do it right the first time".
The mark of an excellent organization is not that they are without problems; it is that they are without systemic problems.
In The Living Company, Arie de Geus points out that the average life expectancy of a multinational corporation is between 40 and 50 years. People live for an average of 75 years, so they can expect to outlast perhaps three quarters of the companies that existed when they were born.
If the learner hasn't learned the teacher hasn't taught.
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