is an excellent book (isbn 0-451-53038-1). As usual I'm going to quote from a few pages:
In an incautious moment my parents had promised that I should never be sent to school until I asked leave to go. This promise I afterward learned began to give them considerable uneasiness because as I grew up I showed no disposition to ask.
He is a bold man who calls anything a trifle.
The fundamental advantage of a library is that it gives you nothing for nothing. Youths must acquire knowledge themselves.
The celebrated maxim of Confucius: To perform the duties of this life well, troubling not about another, is prime wisdom.
Whenever one learns to do anything he has never to wait long for an opportunity of putting his knowledge to use.
How reserved the Scot is! Where he feels most he expresses least. Silence is more eloquent than words.
Slight attention or a kind word to the humble often bring back reward as great as it is unlooked for. No kind action is ever lost.
Even in these days of the fiercest competition, when everything would seem to be matter of price, there lies still at the root of great business success the very much more important factor of quality.
No sound judgement can remain with the man whose mind is disturbed by the mercurial changes of the Stock Exchange. It places him under an influence akin to intoxication. What is not, he sees, and what he sees, is not.
Mr Pullman replied: "Yes, my friends, all that you say is true. I have had a long, long life full of troubles, but there is one curious fact about them - nine tenths of them never happened."
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