
I've won something!

I'm chuffed to learn one of my articles has won best Overload article for the year (the year in question being 2003). Writing unpaid articles isn't as altruistic as it appears. You learn a great deal by writing. If you're a developer your job is writing descriptions. Writing matters. Richard Gabriel's advice to developers is to learn poetry. And Dijkstra said that the best indicator of a developers skill was mastery of their native tongue. One of Michael Jackson's lexicon entries is called simply 'Descriptions'.

ACCU 2005 Conference

I'll be speaking at the ACCU conference held 20th to 23rd April 2005 (with an additional pre-conference tutorial day on the 19th). These are always great developer focused conferences. Confirmed speakers include Bjarne Stroustrup, Jim Coplien, and Kevlin Henney. More details.