
JavaZone 2010: 97 Things Lightning Talk - Do more deliberate practice

Here's a video of the lightning talk - Do more deliberate practice (one of my entries in the book 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know) I did at the recent Javazone conference. It's about how deliberate practice relates to agility.

cyber-dojo video - Roman Numerals Coding Kata in Ruby

Here's a video of me demonstrating the cyber-dojo website by doing the Roman Numerals kata in Ruby.

Rethinking systems analysis and design

is an excellent book by Jerry Weinberg (isbn 0-932633-08-0). As usual I'm going to quote from a few pages:
We don't need another "movement" just now - unless it is something analogous to a bowel movement - something to flush our system clean of waste material that we've accumulated over the years.
When dealing with the unknown, it appears to be better to handle one situation at a time, examine the results obtained, and then prepare a plan for the next situation.
How to master oneself? The Eastern philosophers have always understood, but it seems the most arduous lesson for us westerners. One masters oneself by giving up the attempt. By approaching an interview with the attitude that one cannot be absolutely in control, one attains the utmost possible control.
One of the greatest divisions [of human thought] is between static and dynamic schemes, between thing and process, between noun and verb.
The architect without the stonemason is not designing cathedrals, but castles in the air.
The way things are is always fighting with the way things might be.
The rough sketch has several advantages over the precise drawing: it represents less investment in time, so we're not afraid to throw it away and try something else; its very roughness conveys important information about where we are in the design process.
The ability to decide when to stop is a feature not a failure.
90% of aggravation in programming projects comes at the end.